occupational therapy los angeles

Many parents don’t recognize the signs that their children are struggling with their speech. It can be difficult at a young age to understand what some children are saying. However, by the age of three, children should be able to be understood by most people.

The occupational therapy Los Angeles specialists have some basic tips to recognize if your child is experiencing difficulty with their speech and if they need further assistance.

Speech Shyness

When children experience speech problems, they become scared and shy around others. They immediately become afraid when trying to pronounce words that are difficult for them. This problem will continue to persist if your child does not receive occupational therapy Los Angeles training to help them overcome their speech impediments.

The “uh” Vowel

Another way to discover if your child is suffering from speech problems is their struggle to pronounce basic vowels. For example, instead of pronouncing the a in baby they will stutter and replace the a with an “uh” sound (bu-buh-baby). A specialist at the occupational therapy Los Angeles center will be able to see if this is a sign of a dysfluency or a sign of stuttering.

Ear Infections Can Be Deadly

 If you already concerned that your child is dealing with speech issues, monitor their ears because an infection could be serious. Any type of hearing loss from an ear infection can hurt your child’s future ability to understand speech. Consult with an occupational therapy Los Angeles specialist immediately to make sure your child can start speech therapy as soon as possible.

Once you have discovered whether your child is suffering from speech issues, check out the services from occupational therapy Los Angeles facility to get the help your child needs.

About LA Speech Therapy Solutions

LA Speech Therapy Solutions is a premier occupational therapy Los Angeles facility. They are ready to help your child overcome any speech impediment. Their team of trained specialists helps children of all ages with varying degrees of issues from voice disorders to stuttering. To learn more information, find them at 2836 Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA. 90026 (323.522.6071).