Los-Angeles-Speech-Therapy LA

Over the years, there have been many developments in the causes of stuttering. Currently, some of the most common theories of stuttering stem from genetic and environmental influences. Some risk factors involving both genetic and environmental influences of stuttering may include family dynamics, a family history of stuttering, childhood development, as well as neurophysiology.

Additionally, certain conditions such as a stroke, extreme emotional trauma, and other factors can also lead to stuttering. As mentioned earlier, a family history of stuttering can be passed on due to the fact that speech and language are learned over time.

speech therapyTreatment For Stuttering

While a vast majority of stuttering can be resolved on its own at an early age for childhood cases, there are also some cases in which speech therapy may be necessary for children and adults. An ideal candidate for speech therapy include the following:

  • Individuals who have stuttered for three to six months or longer
  • Individuals who struggle with stuttering
  • Individuals who face emotional difficulties from stuttering
  • Individuals who have an evident stutter
  • Individuals with a family history of stuttering

Speech therapy for both children and adults can be highly effective, as it aims to control speech patterns and is done by encouraging the individual to monitor certain factors such as the rate of speech, breath support and control, laryngeal tension, among other factors.

Additionally, it is imperative that parents and loved ones help patients by:

  • Listening patiently
  • Listening to what the individual is saying, not how they are saying it
  • Trying to help the individual feel relaxed
  • Don’t tell the individual to “slow down” or “relax”
  • Set aside time for talking with the individual 

This will help the patient feel less self-conscious about their stuttering. Overall, as a parent or loved one, supporting the patient is extremely helpful and can go a long way. Additionally, a speech therapist can also advise parents or loved ones in terms of assisting the patient throughout their treatment at home and when it’s appropriate to correct the child’s stuttering.

While there are many approaches to alleviating and even overcoming stuttering altogether, it is important to know that currently, there is no absolute cure for stuttering.

If you would like to learn more about how our pediatric speech therapy specialist can help your child, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at La Speech Therapy Solutions!

Tips to Avoid Stuttering

There are many helpful tips that can help improve stuttering. It is important to stay consistent and see a pediatric speech therapist that can provide you with the ongoing support that your child needs. Here are some helpful tips for stuttering:

  • Concentrate on breathing

Before going into an environment that requires ongoing speaking, it is paramount to take the necessary time to just relax and breathe. For example, deep breathing exercises are helpful in reducing anxiety and stress, which can be contributing factors of stuttering.

  • Don’t be afraid to slow down

There’s no need to rush through speaking. When you slow your rate of speaking and take pauses between words and sentences, this can be extremely helpful in reducing stuttering. When you speak, continue to monitor your breathing to ensure that you are taking the necessary pauses and breaths when necessary. When you slow down your rate of speaking, it can also be helpful in controlling any anxiety that you may have.

  • Practice can be extremely helpful

Another helpful tip that can assist with stuttering is to just practice with a family member or loved one and simply have a conversation. When you practice with someone you are already familiar with, this can reduce anxiety and make you feel more at ease. It is a great start by practicing with someone who you feel safe and secure. Additionally, it can be helpful to practice talking with others who also stutter. You may be able to recognize certain speech sounds better this way and learn new coping mechanisms that can be helpful to you. 

  • Stuttering therapyIncorporate controlled rhythm into your speech

Many people do not know that incorporating rhythm into your speech can be successful in controlling stuttering. For example, when you sing, you have a more controlled, smooth rhythm. Try beginning your speech with a controlled rhythm and you may see a difference in your stuttering.

  • Visualize or rehearse speeches beforehand

According to some studies, visualizing and rehearsing words or speeches ahead of time can improve performance. Not only can you improve your speech, but visualizing words can help you better pronounce them. Additionally, doing these practices can bring you more confidence, which is important when improving your speech.

Los-Angeles Speech Therapy

At LA Speech Therapy Solutions, our team is committed to helping children overcome stuttering. We work closely with children and their families to ensure that they are receiving the help they need. If you are interested in learning more about how our team can help your child, contact us today for pediatric speech therapy.

Contact LA Speech Therapy Solutions

With over 20 years of experience providing our patients with the help they need, we are confident in our approach to improving stuttering problems, as well as other speech disorders that patients may have. If you are interested in learning more about our innovative and effective approaches, don’t hesitate to contact us at LA Speech Therapy Solutions to get the help that you and your family need to overcome their speech problems.