Differences between male and female speech patterns are profound yet controllable.
Male transgender voice therapy is a progressive field and many advances have been made in controlling gender specific voice patterns. There are distinct differences between the way men and women speak. Men typically have a deeper, more resonating voice that vibrates from the chest. This results in a lower, heavier tone. Conversely, women’s tones exude from the throat, giving an airy, light, higher-pitched tone. Men typically have a more stolid, monotone speech pattern, whereas women tend to have a more melodic tone, with many highs and lows.
Men tend to pronounce words with more of a punchy, staccato delivery. They typically end most sentences with a definitive thump, and use very few pauses. On the other hand, women tend to pronounce words more gently, incorporating multiple pauses to allow for responses. The therapy team at LA Speech Therapy Solutions has outlined some key elements to improving gender voice congruence.
Male Transgender Voice Therapy Solutions
Our professionals at LA Speech Therapy Solutions have compiled a comprehensive set of recommendations for improving transgender voice patterns. It is found that by following our recommendations, one can systematically improve gender voice. Key points include learning to control the vibration in your chest and altering speech patterns so the voice resonates with less vibration. Much of the alteration is speech revolves around controlling the emanation of voice, from chest to throat, allowing a more feminine vibration.
Intonation is a key element of male transgender voice therapy. Making even slight alterations to intonation can have hard-to-distinguishable, yet profound results for speech. LA Speech Therapy Solution professionals have compiled qualitative data sets that outline our unique approach to gender voice solutions. We have found that altering minor patterns of speech have resounding effects.
Male Transgender Voice Therapy
For further information, or to schedule an appointment for one-on-one voice training, please contact us at (323) 954-0887.