School is in full swing again, and for kids here in Los Angeles, that means math homework, science class projects, and studying for that next big test. Some parents might notice their child struggles with assignments as the school year progresses. While these observations can initially be very concerning, speech disorders in young children are common. If you think your child may require speech therapy, you are not alone. Looking for a speech therapist near me, contact us at (323)522-6071 today!
If you suspect your child may need speech therapy, you should speak with your child’s pediatrician or a speech-language pathologist. They will be able to assess your child’s communication skills and determine if speech therapy is necessary. They may also be able to recommend a therapist or treatment plan. It’s essential to address any potential speech and language delays as early as possible, as early intervention can make a significant difference in a child’s development.
What is Speech Therapy?
Speech therapy helps individuals improve their communication skills. The treatment is provided by speech-language pathologists, licensed healthcare professionals trained to evaluate and treat various communication and swallowing disorders.
Speech therapy can benefit individuals of all ages who have difficulty speaking, understanding language, or using language to communicate effectively. It’s especially effective for young children as the earlier you can enroll a child who struggles with a speech disorder into speech therapy, the better their chances of successful treatment will be.
During speech therapy, the therapist will work with you and your child to identify their specific communication needs and goals and develop a treatment plan to help them improve their communication.
Therapy may involve a range of activities, including language intervention, articulation therapy, fluency therapy, voice therapy, and swallowing therapy. The length and frequency of therapy sessions will depend on the individual’s needs and goals.
Are you worried about the progress of the speech development of your child? Consider taking our assessment to help you learn if your child might be able to improve their speech through our children’s therapy practices.
Remember that the results from this quiz are not a substitute for an evaluation from a professional speech therapist. This quiz will help you identify the milestones to look out for, what to do next, and when it’s time to consult the help of a professional speech therapist.
Does My Child Need Speech Therapy at Age 2?
- Does your child smile back at you?
Y/N - At 16 months, did your child give single-word phrases or two-word phrases when they reached two?
Y/N - Does your child make babbling noises?
Y/N - Does your child play games like peek-a-boo with you?
Y/N - Has your child had difficulty bottle feeding or breastfeeding, for example, choking, coughing or reflux?
Y/N - Does your child recoil at specific flavors or textures of food when eating?
Y/N - Does your child answer to his or her name?
Does My Child Need Speech Therapy From Age 3 to 5?
- Do people have difficulty understanding your child when they are speaking?
Y/N - Do strangers or other unfamiliar people have difficulty understanding your child’s speech?
Y/N - Does your child ever play make-believe?
Y/N - Is your child showing you things not in order to ask for help but just to share them with you?
Y/N - Does your child understand basic instruction?
Y/N - Does your child play with toys the way they are meant to be played with, for example rolling a car across the floor?
Y/N - Does your child restrict themselves to a diet of fewer than fifteen types of food?
Y/N - Does your child only eat certain foods while avoiding all others?
Y/N - Does your child show interest in playing with other children?
Does My Child Need Speech Therapy From Age 6-8?
- Does your child stutter frequently?
Y/N - Is your child interested in playing with the other children?
Y/N - Does your child attempt to grab your attention by saying things like ‘Hey, watch me?’
Y/N - Does your child ever mispronounce certain words?
Y/N - Can your child answer “wh”-esque questions correctly?
Y/N - Does your child talk to you about their day?
Y/N - Do your child’s feeding habits always interrupt your day-to-day life?
Y/N - Can your child describe a series of events like first and last?
Does My Child Need Speech Therapy From Age 9-18?
- Does your child stutter for long periods of time?
Y/N - Is your child able to make and maintain friends?
Y/N - Does your child understand that “white lies” are necessary to protect someone’s feelings?
Y/N - Does your child struggle to focus?
Y/N - Does your child follow social ques in a conversation?
Y/N - Does your child have difficulty telling you what they think?
Y/N - Does your child need help to understand the complexities of long stories?
Searching for a Children’s Speech Therapist Near Me
If any of these questions made you think of your child, it may be that your child could benefit from visiting a speech therapist. LA Speech Therapy Solutions is a children’s speech care center serving the greater Los Angeles area. Dr. Cassi Alter’s dedicated team of experienced speech pathologists is ready to help your child begin their speech therapy journey today.