

So You Think Your Child is Stuttering?

Children who often hesitate before speaking or who struggle to repeat certain words, syllables, and phrases may have a stuttering problem. However, this is not always the case.   These inconsistencies may be simply normal behaviors of learning to speak fluently, something that every child encounters. Here are some tips for helping parents determine the differences between normal language development and [...]

Reading With Your Child: Ways to Incorporate Speech Therapy

Some children who suffer from speech or language difficulties may have trouble expressing their thoughts in both words and gestures. They can have a tough time understanding conversations or written words, which causes them to have trouble speaking words clearly. Reading to your child while asking him or her to say character names or other objects in the story is [...]

How to Start Preparing Your Child for the New School Year

With summer drawing to a close, it is time to transition your child back to their regular voice therapy routines. Don’t be caught off-guard. The new school year will be here before you know it. There are certain items that parents must have in place for their children before they begin the school year. Here are some simple voice [...]

The Exciting New Way Voice Therapy Is Helping Transgender Individuals

We don’t often associate professional voice therapy with gender reassignment procedures, but it is an essential component in finalizing the new identity of a transgender person. The main goal of professional transgender speech therapy is to alter the speech patterns ever so slightly to match the new external physical appearance of the recently transformed individual. It’s the final step to [...]

7 Ways to Encourage Your Child’s Communication

At Los Angeles Speech Therapy Solutions, we believe that early intervention and positive reinforcement are the keys to helping young children overcome delays in speech and language skills.  While professional speech therapy offered by Los Angeles Speech Therapy Solutions can significantly increase the rate of improvement, parents are always the best teachers.  There are many different ways to encourage and stimulate better communication skills [...]

10 Tips for Helping Your Child with Speech Difficulties

Professional speech therapy can work wonders in helping a child to overcome a speech disorder. But as parents, we are often the very best possible teachers that are children have. Here are ten simple speech therapy techniques that you can do with your child in the comfort of your own home. Create color magnets with names of your child’s favorite [...]

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