speech pathologist Los Angeles

Communication allows connection with others through the exchange of ideas and feelings in a verbal and non verbal fashion. Most children communicate to meet their needs or form a connection with a loved adult. Babies, with the help of a speech pathologist Los Angeles,  begin communicating from birth with sounds, facial expressions, and gestures. Here are some ideas to help your baby or toddler develop communications skills:

Speak and Listen to your child:

When speaking with your son or daughter, allow them ample time to respond. Create eye contact at their level. The eye contact communicates your willingness to hear what they have to say. Speaking with your child helps them see themselves as a good communicator and encourage them to keep developing these skills.

Value and identify your child’s feelings:

Children share their ideas and feelings if they are told they will not be made fun of, judged, or criticized. Empathizing with a child is possible even though you disagree with their behavior.

Read together:

Embrace your child while reading with them. Let your child take control by allowing them to turn the pages and point to what they see. Let your child pick the books they want to read/be read to them. The more interested the child has for the book, the more attentive they will be and as a result, the more enjoyment both of you will have. Do not forget that reading with your child teaches a lot more than just literacy and language skills.

speech pathologist Los Angeles

Narrate your daily routines:

Narrating your daily activities helps your child create a connection between words with objects and actions. Speak together while you play. Ask your child how their day went. Once they speak, encourage them to ask you as well.

Encourage Make-Believe Play:

Children sometimes truly express themselves when they’re doing make-believe. It feels safer to speak to your child about what emotions the Teddy Bear feels than how your child actually feels. Make-believe also gives your child the opportunity to play different roles act out things that people might, think, do or say. This not only develops language but empathy too.

About LA Speech Therapy Solutions: Speech Pathologist Los Angeles

LA Speech Therapy Solutions, a provider of speech pathologist Los Angeles, has an experienced staff that is dedicated to helping children improve their motor skills and a bevy of other abilities. Make sure to follow us on Facebook or visit our website.