Stuttering Therapy Los Angeles

Stuttering is a complex phenomenon that many people are afflicted with. Try to empathize with stutterers; how would you feel if you were placed in their shoes? You’d wish for people to communicate with you like any other person. Stuttering Therapy Los Angeles wants you to try these tips to develop better communication skills with a stutterer.

1. Let a person speak at his or her own pace.

When stutterers feel rushed, their stuttering may exacerbate. Be patient! Let the person you’re talking to finish what they’re saying. Don’t finish off a person’s sentences or try to help them sound out their words; this can be embarrassing and annoying!

2. Maintain Eye Contact.

When a stutterer is talking to you, look them in the eyes as you would any other person. Also be sure to control your facial expressions! It may be surprising to hear a stutterer talk, but make sure you aren’t looking at them as if they were unusual. Maintaining eye contact and keeping a normal face are signs of respect.Stuttering Therapy Los Angeles

3. Include a stutterer in your conversation.

Stutterers are often excluded from other’s conversations. Don’t do that! Stutterers may not be able to express themselves quickly, but that doesn’t mean their opinions aren’t worth listening to. Stutterers desire to be heard and to converse with others just like anyone else does.

4. Don’t make assumptions.

Stutterers are often stereotyped as having low intelligence, being shy, or being clumsy with their words. Stuttering is a physical affliction; it doesn’t give insight into a person’s intelligence or thought processes. People who stutter are as capable as the next person.

5. Never taunt.

People have the tendency to make fun of what is different. Don’t laugh at a stutterer; they’re perfectly aware of the challenge they have with communicating, and they don’t need to be rudely reminded. Remember to empathize and approach a stutterer as you would anyone else.