LA Speech Therapy Solutions offers voice training Los Angeles, as well as offer tips and advice for preserving healthy voice and speech.

Many people tend to lose their voice throughout the year and often there are many instances where people’s voices are gone and they are left wondering why that is. Our voice training Los Angeles has identified these as the top 3 reasons why:

1. Respiratory Infection

voice training los angeles

If you are sick or starting to get sick, this can greatly affect your voice. Infections such as the common cold produce coughs and the extreme force on your voice box can tamper with how you sound. Other infections such as laryngitis are common reasons as to why you may be losing your voice. When you have laryngitis your vocal cords become inflamed. This is either due to overusing them to the point of irritation or due to an infection.

2. Allergies

Allergy season is no joke. Watery eyes, runny nose, and a cough are some common symptoms of allergies. One thing all these have in common are all these body parts are roughly connected. If you are continuously coughing or blowing your nose, your voice may be affected. This is what causes the raspiness in your voice, the amount of strain you make when you involuntarily cough or sneeze.  

3. Talking/Yelling Loudly

voice training los angeles

This is the one common reason why you may have lost your voice that you are able to identify on your own. Chances are if you attended a sporting event or concert the previous night, and your voice is gone the following morning – you know exactly why that is.  The strain from cheering, singing, talking or yelling is enough to make you lose your voice or make it raspy.


Your voice is one of the most important parts of you, it is how you communicate with others and there is not a day that goes by where you cannot go without using it. These are some treatment options to help you get better as soon as possible and help get you back to your daily routine:

  1. Rest – try to stay quiet as much as possible. If you don’t have to speak – then don’t. Preserve your voice while your vocal cords mend themselves.
  2. Hydration – make sure you are drinking plenty of fluids, preferably water. Dehydration in your vocal cords is enough to make your voice worse and elongate the amount of time you are left without a voice or raspiness.
  3. Medication – sometimes losing your voice and it becoming irritated can be quite painful. Try using ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help the inflammation go down and help you rest while you get better.

Through using these tips, your voice and energy should be back to normal in no time.

About LA Speech Therapy Solutions:

La Speech Therapy Solutions is here to make sure that your speaking and language skills are intact. This is why we offer multiple services such as voice training Los Angeles, occupational therapy, as well as help with speech and language disorders. You can contact us by clicking here. Make sure to also follow us on Facebook for more details on our company.