los angeles speech therapy

While many rely on testosterone treatments to deepen their voices, this isn’t always enough. Not all men will choose to go through hormone replacement therapy, or cannot afford it, so they must find alternative methods for voice transformation. There are numerous reasons why voice training can be extremely beneficial for those going through transition. Follow these tips, which can help you through your FtM voice transformation.

Use Your DiaphragmLA Speech Therapy Diagphrahm

Using your diaphragm is a great way to lower your voice into a deeper register. This will take some practice, but imagine it as using your chest to propel the sound instead of your head. If you are inexperienced with diaphragm breathing, start by laying your back with one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Breathe in slowly through your nose and feel the hand on your stomach rise while the one on your chest should remain in place. As you exhale through your mouth, the hand on your stomach should fall.

Start with Low Doses of Testosterone

If you do decide to use testosterone therapy to transform your voice, start with lower doses. Abrupt and radical changes to how you use your voice can cause permanent damage. Slow changes are best when it comes to your voice.

Improve Your Posture

While it might seem like just a minor change, having strong, masculine posture can help deepen your voice. Be sure to push your chest out and have your chin up, this will make it easier to project the necessary power and force into your voice.

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Practice Your Vocal Exercises

Try humming at a slightly lower register than you would normally speak and gradually get lower and lower. Also try recording yourself while you talk in the mirror, this is a great way to hear the flaws in your voice and make the necessary changes. Attempting a deep, masculine voice in public before you are ready can lead to embarrassment and feelings of discomfort. Practice makes perfect.

For tips on FtM voice transformation, contact your LA Speech therapist online or by phone (323) 522-6701.